Conferencious Online <p><strong><span class="has-inline-color">Conferencious</span></strong> is an international Conference platform, which organises working/ virtual conferences in the various disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Management, Social Sciences, Food Technology, Agriculture, Law, Economics, Public Health, and many more.</p> en-US Sun, 17 Oct 2021 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PRIVATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACTIVITIES: THEORETICAL AND LEGAL BASIS <p>Thesis analyzes the theoretical and legal aspects of private entrepreneurship, which is one of the types of entrepreneurial activity. Also, thesis also puts forward the author's proposals on the expression of the concept of "private entrepreneurship" in national legislation.</p> Ashurova Nargiza Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 17 Oct 2021 00:00:00 +0000 LEGAL PROTECTION FOR CLIMATE REFUGEES: NEED OF THE HOUR <p>As a result of these massive migrations and displacements, a new group of refugees has formed in recent years, called 'Climate Refugees.' These people who have been relocated across boundaries as a product of climate change frequently find themselves in difficulty as a result of nation-state hostility, and are thus in desperate need of international protection. As a result, refugee law plays a critical role in this field. Although there has been an increase in political awareness regarding climate refugees, little has been accomplished in the absence of a sustainable solution to the conundrum. Climate change accords such as those reached Paris include such frameworks as those reached at Sendai on disaster risk reduction and the United Nations Global Compact on Migration. This research paper examines existing regulations aimed at protecting individuals fleeing environmental dangers in their home country. The goal of this analysis is to highlight existing and possibly applicable protective mechanisms for environmental and climatic refugees.</p> Aditi Chaudhary, Dr.Versha Vahini Copyright (c) 2021 Mon, 18 Oct 2021 00:00:00 +0000 RENDERING ENGLISH MODAL VERBS INTO THE RUSSIAN TRANSLATION <p>The comparative analysis between the original and its translation allows us to draw interesting conclusions both morpho-syntactically and semantically-lexically. The comparison of the source and target language gives us chance to find out identical units, characteristic features of internal mechanisms of the languages. The article tries to find out the ways of translation of English modal verbs from English to Russian. In most cases the English text is characterized by compactness and compression while the Russian language appeals to details, and modal verbs are filled with the extensive lexical or syntactic constructions by the translator.</p> Ana Gigauri, Manana Gambashidze Copyright (c) 2021 Tue, 19 Oct 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE STUDY OF THE VARIANT PROPERTIES OF TERMS IN THE TEXTILE AND LIGHT INDUSTRY <p>There is a continuous connection between language and society. Over time, objects and concepts that exist in real life in a social society take on a new name, while the former often deviate from communication or undergo semantic change in the process of application. As a result, the scope of the language will have a wider lexical capacity. It is these factors that play a key role in the formation of the principles of nomination in linguistics.</p> Azamov Sayfulbot Muxamadalievich Copyright (c) 2021 Thu, 21 Oct 2021 00:00:00 +0000 LEXICAL AND SEMANTIC INTERPRETATION OF THE CONCEPT "TRUTH" IN THE RUSSIAN AND GEORGIAN LANGUAGES <p>The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the representation of the concept "truth” in in Russian and Georgian languages. The study is novel in that it is the first to describe a linguo-cognitive comparative analysis of the concept’s “truth” in the lexicological, phraseological and naive worldview in the In Russian and Georgian languages. The results of the study demonstrate that representation of the concept TRUTH in the linguistic worldview of individuals belonging to the Russian and Georgian linguistic cultures is of universal nature. Certain national and cultural differences are contingent on features of cultural and historical development of the Russian and Georgian peoples.</p> TsertsvadzeM.G Copyright (c) 2021 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 SEMANTICS OF EUPHEMISM IN BUSINESS LANGUAGE <p>This article has been studied as a speech phenomenon designed to reveal the characteristics of euphemisms in speech and to ensure that it is soft and not harsh. The article analyzes not only everyday speech, but also business words and terms.</p> Haydarov Anvar Askarovich, Ruziyeva Nafisa Zarifovna Copyright (c) 2021 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 IMPROVEMENT OF SECONDARY WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY IN OIL AND GAS PROCESSING ENTERPRISES <p>The article discusses the improvement of the technology of secondary water purification at oil and gas processing enterprises, the main and stages of purification as mechanical, physicochemical, biological, post-treatment, desalination and sludge dehydration. The most optimal and effective methods are offered.</p> Karimova Sadokat Amrilloyevna, Quchqorova Shahodat Roziyevna Copyright (c) 2021 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 IMAGE OF OUTDATED ITEMS CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM BASED ON CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK <p>One of the significant issues is resource recycling of outdated objects classification. It can effectively improve the efficiency of resource recycling and further reduce the harm caused by environmental pollution. By the gradual intellectualization of modern industries, traditional image classification algorithms no longer proper the requirements of garbage classification because there are lots of requirements for sorting equipment. This paper proposes to build outdated items' Classification Network “GCNet” based on a convolutional neural network. By constructing a realization mechanism, the model completes local and global feature extraction. It can complete productive feature information obtained. At the same time, through the feature combination mechanism, it’s of different levels and sizes are fused to make more effective use of properties and avoid gradient disappearance. Experimental results prove that “GCNet” has achieved promising results on related outdated items' classification data sets. It has received an improvement in image identification of oldestablished items.</p> Sharofiddin Allaberdiev, Lochin Valiev, Shakhriddin Allaberdiev, Husan Annakhulov Copyright (c) 2021 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 EMOTIONAL CONCEPTS IN ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN PHRASEOLOGY <p>This work is devoted to the study means of phraseological representation of emotive concepts in Russian and English on the example of concept «гордость-«pride» The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the work was carried out within the framework of cognitive phraseology, a modern direction linguistics, and is aimed at studying the problem of the relationship of linguistic units and cognitive structures of knowledge representation in the aspect phraseological conceptualization of the selected emotions. Phraseological units contain in its semantics, the stages of the formation of the culture of the people, thereby determining and conveying long-term national attitudes, stereotypes, ideals, established in the phraseological system of the language, which speaks of worldview, traditions and cultural and national experience of carrier’s language</p> Haydarov Anvar Askarovich, Saidova zulfizar Khudoyberdiyevna Copyright (c) 2021 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND LABOUR MOTIVATION AT INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN UZBEKISTAN <p>The management system of the industrial enterprise includes many subsystems, but the key among them is the quality management system (QMS) and the system of personnel motivation, focused on the quality of the final product. Quality management systems of industrial enterprises in Uzbekistan are currently prepared to introduce international standards ISO 9000 series. In the current economic conditions, it should be remembered that the quality management system, like any system, consists of interrelated and interacting elements, the efficiency of the entire system depends on the work of each of them. Human resources are one of the main elements that make up the structure of the QMS, so that is the main reason why managers should pay their attention to them</p> Dilafruz Kurbonova Anvarjon qizi Copyright (c) 2021 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 INTERACTIONS OF ETHER-BASED FATS ON LEATHER PROPERTIES FOR UPPER <p>The article describes the possibility of using an ester as a fatty component in the process of fattening leather for the upper of a shoe. It was determined that the use of an ester leads to a deeper and more even distribution of fat in the dermis, increasing the strength indicators of the leather</p> Makhammadieva Khilola, Shamsieva Makhbuba Copyright (c) 2021 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROLE OF LAW-ORIENTED RHETORIC AS A TYPES OF SPEECH <p>In this article law-oriented rhetoric is comparatively analyzed the historical and modern laworiented rhetoric. Law-oriented rhetoric was used in the process of court in previous times as well. Now, we consider the role of law-oriented speech in history and today.</p> Khujaniyazova Khilola, Asqarova Ozoda Nazsriddinovna, Sultonova Maftuna Bakhtiyorovna Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 20 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 FOR RHYTHMIC PATTERN OF THE EBONY TOWER BY JOHN FOWLES <p>&nbsp;In terms of prose rhythm, <em>The Ebony Tower </em>by John Fowles possesses a multi-layered rhythmic pattern. The study revealed that the novella’s intense rhythmic expressiveness is largely due to the fact that rhythm is achieved not only on plane of expression but also on plane of content. Both, stylistic devices and repeated focus alterations and shifts, flashbacks in time and space appear to be at work to create prose rhythm in this currently obscured literary classic. In this article, we tried to prove that not only the language material of the text is full of rhythm but also the content, on the semantic level, possesses the rhythmic quality due to its marked expressiveness</p> Nino Dzamukashvili Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE CONTENT OF DIDACTIC IDEAS IN THE WORK “MAQSAD UL-ATVOR” BY ABDULVAHHOBKHOJA OGLU POSHSHOKHOJA <p>Abdulvahhobkhoja is one of the great representatives of Uzbek classical pedagogy. However, not all of the scientific legacy written by Said Poshshokhoja has survived to our time. His scientific legacy is Miftohul-adl (The Key to Justice), which in some sources is dedicated to Prince Temurbek, the son of Shaibanikhan. His work “Gulzor” is dedicated to Bahodir Sultan ibn Janibek. The epic “Maqsad ul-atvor” is also a work dedicated to Janibek Sultan. It is also necessary to recognize the epic “Maqsad ul-atvor”, which is part of the pedagogical heritage of the scientist.</p> Nusratov Anvar Ne’matjonovich Copyright (c) 2021 Fri, 03 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE CONCEPT OF APPLICATION DEVICES. GENERAL PURPOSE APPLICATION SOFTWARE <p>The capabilities of a modern PC are so great that an increasing number of people are using it in their work, study, and everyday life. The computer itself prompts the user what to do in a given situation, this is possible thanks to the computer software. The article discusses the need to use application devices</p> Ernazarova Ozoda, Karimova Lutfiya, Islomov Zoyir Copyright (c) 2021 Tue, 14 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 CREDIT SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN: CURRENT STATUS, PROBLEMS AND STRENGTHENING WAYS <p>The article analyzes the current state of the monetary system of the Republic of Uzbekistan,<br>identifies problems associated with its strengthening and develops scientific proposals to address them.</p> Asqar Ergashovich Absamatov Copyright (c) 2021 Tue, 14 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 PRINCIPLES OF INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY <p>The article describes the stages of development, laws, principles and criteria of innovative pedagogy. The author argues that the development of pedagogical science today depends on the laws and principles of innovative pedagogy.</p> M.M Mirkasimova Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES OF ENTERPRISES <p>This article discusses the role of analysis of the financial condition of enterprises in the development of enterprises. Indicators are also proposed in the analysis of the financial condition of enterprises. In addition, suggestions were made to analyze the financial condition of enterprises in the development of enterprises.</p> To‘xtasin Abdiqodirovich Qo‘shayev Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 APPLICATION OF CORRECTION PEDAGOGY IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS <p>Correctional pedagogy in Uzbekistan today is a science that studies the characteristics of the psychophysiological development of children with physical or mental disabilities in need of special assistance and is engaged in their education. The word correctional pedagogy is derived from the Latin words for correction - elimination, pedagogy - education, study. Children with mental and physical disabilities are called anomalous children (derived from the Greek word anomalos, which means extraordinary). The topic of correctional pedagogy is anomalous children in need of special assistance. The task of correctional pedagogy is to study the causes and types of anomalies, the characteristics of psychophysiological development of abnormal children, on the basis of which to organize integrated, inclusive or differential education, to deal with their education.</p> Pirniyazova Sholpan Oteniyazovna Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 METHODS OF USING CLUSTERS IN THE LESSON PROCESS <p>One of the leading tasks of the National Program of Personnel Training of the Republic of Uzbekistan is to improve the quality of education, update the content of education, to develop a new model of continuing education aimed at ensuring the intellectual development of the younger generation. is constantly improving with pedagogical support.</p> Abdullaeva Gulmira Abdullayevna Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 METHODOLOGY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING <p>This article is devoted to the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages. The paper gives definitions to the theory and methodology of foreign language teaching (FLT), traditional and modern methods of education. The authors of the study regard project teaching method as one of the effective methods in foreign language teaching.</p> Gapporov Zayniddin, Rustamov Abror, Khasanova Gulandon Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 APPLICATION OF PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS <p>In the Republic of Uzbekistan, a number of positive steps have been taken to implement the Law "On Education" and the "National Training Program" in educational institutions. Therefore, one of the main principles of state policy in the field of education is the harmonization of state and public administration in the education system, as well as one of the general provisions of the "National Training Program" The development of prosperity and well-being, the creation of conditions and effective mechanisms for the realization of individual interests, the change of outdated thinking and patterns of social behavior remain the main goal and driving force of the ongoing reforms in the country. A number of measures are being taken to shape the worldview of students through the development and introduction of effective forms and methods of spiritual and moral education and enlightenment of youth.</p> Turimbetova Zamira Baymagambetovna Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 SOMATIC PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN LINGUOCULTUROLOGY <p>In this article has been illuminated the pragmatic functions of somatic phraseologies in English and Uzbek languages. In modern linguistics, there is a great interest in the analysis of linguistic and cultural material in the process of teaching languages, an anthropocentric paradigm is formed, the language is considered not only within its communicative and cognitive function, but as a kind of cultural code of individual linguistic and cultural communities.</p> M.Batirkhanova Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 OVERVIEW OF METHODS FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF ANALYSIS OF AZITROMYCIN <p>High-quality medicines (drugs) are the basis for safe treatment of patients. Quality issues are the most important factors in improving the living standards of the population Quality is a complex concept that characterizes the effectiveness of a drug throughout its life: from development to use of a patient. According to modern concepts, consumer properties (quality, efficiency and safety) are formed in the process of mass production through compliance with GMP rules. Scaling up production and making it serial, the question of standardization of finished products arises. Constant expansion of the range and continuously increasing requirements for the quality of drugs determine the need to ensure effective quality control of drugs</p> D. B. Kasimova, G. I. Sadikova, G. U. Tillaeva, D. T. Gaibnazarova, M. A. Matrasulova, M. B. Allanazarova Copyright (c) 2021 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 THE HISTORY OF THE GOLD INDUSTRY IN CENTRAL ASIA (XVI - XIX centuries.) <p>This article is devoted to the study of the issue of processing precious metals - gold, silver on the territory of Uzbekistan in the XVI-XIX centuries. Gold was mined by washing sand gold, and was also mined in the form of ore. The historical location of gold was on the banks of the Amudarya, Syrdarya, Zarafshan, Chirchik, Yarkent and Khutan rivers. They were traded with foreign countries. At the end of the 19th century, in the beks of Darvaz, Kulyab, Baldzhuvan, Kurgantepa of the Bukhara Khanate, research was carried out on minerals and precious metals.</p> Turayeva Sayyora Rustambayevna. Copyright (c) 2021 Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000